Built Environment Lists


Top 10: Largest Cement Companies

The world’s biggest cement companies include Cement Roadstone Holding, Holcim Group, UltraTech Cement, Ambuja Cements and Heidelberg Materials

Top 10 Building Information Modelling Software for Business

Building Information Modelling Software, commonly known as (BIM), is a crucial tool for modern businesses in the construction and architecture industries.

The Top 10 construction robotics companies

Companies that produce and provide robotic systems and services to the construction industry have emerged as key players in transforming the sector.

Top 10 construction site safety rules

Accident prevention is of utmost importance on construction sites, as it not only saves time and money but also protects people's lives.

Top 10 construction industry trends for 2023

The construction industry is continuously evolving with advancements in technology, changes in regulations, and market trends.

Top 10 Takeaways for Digital Sustainability

Autodesk Construction Cloud highlights the key measures for AEC firms on the road to net zero

10 Innovative Startups to watch this year

With research provided by Cemex Ventures we've compiled a list of 10 innovative Contech startups sure to shake up the industry

Top 10 Construction news websites

This week we cast our eye over the best national, international and trade titles