Trending IoT technologies in construction

The various forms of the Internet of Things (IoT) in the construction industry are driving the industry forward. We take a closer look.
In the industry, technology has come a long way. The use and application of various types of technology have become the norm on both the construction site and behind the scenes. Both developed and developing countries are relying on the Internet of Things as it continues to drive operations forward for numerous firms. For many firms, IoT technologies are vital as they can help save time where it counts, save money and enable quicker completion of projects.
Drones are arguably the most important gadgets a construction firm can have. They have modernized many of the traditional methods of site inspections as well as land surveying.
Thanks for the adoption of drones, the possibility of human error can be completely eliminated in comparison to traditional processes that were used in previous years. One of the biggest benefits of drones is the far-flung locations they are able to travel to and collect data for with ease. Drones can also be very affordable. Whilst you can get very expensive solutions, even the cheaper solutions can provide great camera quality and a range of useful features to satisfy most construction companies’ requirements.
Building Information Modelling (BIM)
BIM is one of the latest and greatest advancements in the construction industry in recent years. For virtually all purposes blueprints were once used for, BIM completely replaces them enabling more accurate, detailed 3D models of structures and building sites. It has the power to bring together all the necessary information about a given project, all in one place. In addition to all of this, the technology has the ability to increase productivity, enable better collaboration, communication whilst reducing costs and enabling safer construction sites.
Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality, also known as AR, is a piece of specialist software enabling the ability for data and imagery to be overlaid onto the physical spaces. In complicated projects, the relevance and usability of AR has been proven thanks to the higher risk of these projects. AR has the power to prevent a project from being delayed due to numerous unforeseen complications. Furthermore, the use of the technology has made the life of architects, planners and associates so much easier thanks to AR’s ability to collaborate with clients and take corrective actions before any issues occur.
Mobile applications and devices
The Internet of Things has pushed the introduction of numerous user-friendly mobile apps for available to site engineers, for all areas of construction. These apps achieve efficiency and seamlessness whilst having the ability to slash costs. The apps can make documents and project information accessible with ease.
In addition to this, there are also a number of mobile devices and products that have been designed specifically for the construction industry. These devices include rugged construction, better battery life than traditional devices (where applicable) and displays which are more suited for viewing in bright daylight which is ideal for construction sites.
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