ARM Enlighten technology expands into new markets

ARM company Geomerics has announced that its Enlighten real-time lighting technology, as used in several major gaming titles such as Battlefront and Star Wars, will be deployed to create virtual show homes for the international property market. The technology, which has been licensed to Yugen – an Australian company which creates architectural visualisations for developers selling properties off plan or for investors who are unable to visit a site – will allow clients a fully immersive buyer experience. This includes the ability to view properties regardless of time of day and to change any design element in real time, allowing clients to see immediately how each change affects the property’s lighting.
“Enlighten technology will allow Yugen’s customers to experience the feel of a finished property and create full interior designs before any foundations have been laid,” said Chris Porthouse, Vice President, gaming middleware, ARM. “It doesn’t matter where they are located in the world, buyers will now be able to see exactly what they are investing in and make subtle changes in real-time until they get exactly what they want. These real-time photorealistic, interactive visualisations can provide huge value for developers, builders, and project marketers alike.”
High quality, real time global illumination – how light interacts with objects in a scene – is critical for digital visualisations. In a survey of over 500 clients, including architects, designers, and architectural visualisation artists, it was found by architecture visualisation space creator Evermotion that over 50% of respondents saw quality global illumination as an important asset for their industry.
“We are seeing increasing demand for architectural visualisation scenes made with game technologies. Arch-viz artists value scene interactivity and exploration, while requiring the highest quality photorealistic visuals,” said Pawel Gajlewicz, CEO, Evermotion. “Today, with the latest game engines and dynamic global illumination solutions, the architectural visualisation community is getting closer to its final goal - producing outstanding, photorealistic presentations of yet unbuilt spaces.”
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