UNFC: 20% of key built environment actors join Race to Zero

As revealed by the United Nations Framework Convention (UNFC), the Race to Zero has reached a new milestone with 20% of key actors in the built environment - those on the CDP Climate High Impact List - having joined the initiative. This advancement signs a turning point for the sector towards its ambitions to meet its ‘2030 Breakthrough Outcome’.
“As the Built Environment sector undergoes this transformation, progress tracking becomes increasingly important. This commitment must convert into tangible actions, and more actors need to join the movement to expedite progress along the Climate Action Pathways. The new Race to Zero Data Explorer provides visibility into how the sector’s 500 largest members are taking action, fostering accountability and transparency,” commented UNFC.
What is the 2030 Breakthrough Outcome?
The 2030 Breakthrough Outcome is driving those that have pledged commitment to the Race to Zero to have every project due for completion in 2030 and beyond operating with net zero emissions and has at least 40% less embodied carbon than today’s standards. The outcome represents a shared vision for all actors in the built environment industry.
COP26 challenges industries to transition to net zero
Challenging more than 30 sectors, COP26 is calling for industries ot combine their skills, ingenuity, and resources to drive the transformation needed to accelerate the transition to net zero.
What does this mean for the 20%?
Combining the above factors, the UNFC is tasking 20% of key actors to commit to aligning their ambitions with these outcomes by 2023. By gaining a commitment of 20% - known as ‘Breakthrough Ambition’ - enough momentum is gathered to enable deviation from ‘business-as-usual’ to collectively deliver breakthrough outcomes swiftly.
“This 20% is seen as a tipping point because systemic change is not linear, but exponential. Hence, when 20% of the market leaders begin moving, the rate of transition accelerates, and a point of no return is crossed. By 2030, the aim is to achieve Breakthrough Outcomes in all sectors of the global economy to deliver a net zero world on time,” concluded the UNFC.