High Speed Two looking for track and electrification contractors

By Sophie Chapman
High Speed Two (HS2), the designed high-speed railway in the UK, has launched its search for contractors to develop the project. The hired contractors...

High Speed Two (HS2), the designed high-speed railway in the UK, has launched its search for contractors to develop the project.

The hired contractors will work on Phase One of the HS2, linking London and Birmingham, and Phase 2a, between Birmingham and Crewe.

The government are looking for work on the track and overhead catenary system works, estimating the costs at £1.55bn (US$2.21bn).

This package will manage construction and testing of the HS2 track as it links the destinations.

On completion of Lot 1 will see the operator take over for a trail running phase of the line.

The UK’s government also require contractors for Lot 2, which has been estimated to cost £330mn ($469.5mn).


Lot 2 will cover the tunnel and lineside mechanical & electrical and tunnel ventilation works – working on design, installation, testing, and commissioning.

The contractors will specifically work on safety equipment, such as tunnel ventilation fans, lighting, handrails, fire safety equipment and tunnel alarm systems.

“We’re looking for the smartest, most cost effective solutions that the industry has to offer through these contracts, which form part of the overall railway system for HS2,” stated Mark Thurston, CEO of HS2 Ltd.

“These 2 essential contracts are fundamental to HS2 operating safely, reliably and efficiently for the millions of people who will use and come to depend on it.”

“Once complete, HS2 will transform rail travel in the UK, providing extra capacity and improved connectivity between our major cities and act as a catalyst for growth across the UK.”


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